We are a warm, friendly community and would love for you to join us!

Membership Requirements

To become a member, you will need to demonstrate your Jewish Status through documentation such as your full birth certificate or your own or your parents’ or grandparents’ ketubah.

Membership Categories

Under 21 and Parents are Members
If you are under 21, single, and your parents are already members, your membership is FREE.

Under 21 and Parents are Not Members
If you are under 21, single, and your parents are not yet members, you can join Tribe for free. Please click here to register.

Aged 21 – 29
If you are single and aged 21 – 29, you can join Tribe Community Membership (TCM) for just £5 per month. This grants you full membership of the United Synagogue (US). Please click here to join.

Marriage Membership
If you wish to join in preparation for marriage, mazal tov!
There is an initial membership fee for one of you to join the synagogue before the marriage (Law of the Land). Please contact the office for guidance.

Afterward, membership is free for the year from the date of your marriage, and then discounted as follows:

  • Year 1: Free – First 12 months after wedding date
  • Year 2: 50% discount – Balance of calendar year to align with annual billing
  • Year 3: 50% discount – First full billing cycle Jan-Dec
  • Year 4: 25% discount – Second full billing year Jan-Dec

You may also have access to discounted burial fees (FES).

If you have recently got married and moved to Birmingham, mazal tov! The marriage membership discount may also apply to you.

Full Membership
Please complete and return the attached Membership Application Form, along with your proof of Jewish Status documentation.

Transfer of Membership

If you are looking to transfer to BCUS from another US shul, please complete and return the attached Transfer of Membership Form to us. Also, be sure to inform your current shul of your plans.


We eagerly anticipate the opportunity to welcome you into our community.